Freedom is such an integral part of our daily lives that we sometimes take it for granted. I am so grateful that God saw fit so many years ago to inspire our founding fathers to compose the Constitution of the United States. We have the freedom to do so many things. Kelly was able to go out on a hiking adventure the other day with good friends–one of whom escaped from the communist rule years ago to come to America. I was born in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave and what am I doing to ensure that the freedoms we enjoy are there for future generations? We went to vote at the primary elections a couple of weeks ago. Even though it was only one vote, it was such a good feeling to know that I made a difference. We are teaching our children to be good, independent and trustworthy as they grow up. May we all do our part to ensure the freedoms we enjoy today will be here for future generations.


Marv · August 28, 2010 at 3:53 pm

My dear daughter, your thoughts about the freedoms that we enjoy are very much the same ones that I have and your dad also. Thank you very much for sharing them and for the Tab Choirs singing "America the Beautiful." You are one of the best daughters that I know. I love you. Mom

Sharee Wanner · November 25, 2010 at 12:08 am

Thanks Mom! I love you both

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