Have you ever asked yourself why things have to change? I know that I have many times. I am one of those that really like things to stay the same. It gives me a sense of security and safety. The hard part of the scenario is that when you stay the same, when things around you stay the same there is no opportunity for you to be better, to break out of the status quo, to make a difference in the world around you. We tell ourselves that “I can’t do that” or “No way, that is too hard.”

When we think a little more like the Little Engine that Could–“I Think I Can, I Think I Can”….it will soon turn into “I Thought I Could! I Thought I Could!” When we look at the changes that come our way (either by our choosing or by the choices of those around us) with faith and determination to make something good come of them we empower ourselves to be better, to break out of the status quo and to make a difference in the world around us. By doing a little here and a little there we can climb to the top of that mountain, and on the way into the valley say with humility and newly gained confidence, “I Thought I Could! I Thought I Could!”


1 Comment

Ronda Hinrichsen · June 17, 2009 at 1:25 pm

Hey, Sharee,
You won a blogging award on my blog, The Write Blocks. Check it out!

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