Paige (The Newport Ladies Book Club)Paige by Annette Lyon

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When change is needed in her life, Paige and her two little boys move to California to start their life without her unfaithful ex-husband. She needs to know who she is as a woman and if she can give her boys what they need on her own? She decides to join a book club in hopes of making new friends—ones who wouldn’t judge her. The ladies in the book club become a much needed support as she tries to do so. She meets a wonderful man who treats her like a queen and helps her realize how amazing she is. Through the books they read as a group, she finds the answers that will help her stay true to her beliefs. Her new friends are there to give support and help increase her confidence as she moves forward. I love the way she describes what she thinks of her new friends…”we were definitely an interesting tapestry of personalities, one I’d come to treasure.” Paige is a wonderful read! I thoroughly enjoyed every word!

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