My Journey to Nauvoo

On July 7, 2014 at 12:01 am my daughter, myself and over 100 other young single adults, ward single adult representatives,  their bishop, his counselors, a member of the stake presidency and high council and their wives departed northern Utah on two tour buses from the church parking lot headed Read more…


Noble fatherhood gives us a glimpse of the divine. ~James E. Faust Being a father is a very important calling given to men. I am so blessed to be surrounded by great examples of fatherhood. My husband, my dad and my brother to be specific. They all have a fierce Read more…


Today I found myself asking, “Where does the time go?” I think that most of the time it has wings because it just flies by especially as I get older. Just yesterday we were celebrating the arrival of 2014! Today one third of the year is officially gone and in Read more…


                                      Springtime brings with it a newness of life. We shed our outer protective layer that clothed us in Winter and replace it with the bright, vibrant colors of Spring. I don’t Read more…


HolyTabbs is a great resource to streamline your scripture study. The system cross references the gospel principles in Preach My Gospel with the standard works. It can also be a useful tool for discussions with family and friends, when looking up hymns and other gospel library topics. Whether you have Read more…