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I am very grateful for my mother! The things she has taught me will be with me always. I am more than blessed to be a mother. I have such wonderful children and I love them so much! Each one of them has a different personality, different likes and dislikes, Read more…


None of us are immune from trial and adversity in our lives. God allows each of us-no matter our skin color, our religion, our marital status, or our age-to experience difficult things in life. Fortunately he puts people in our lives to support us and help us get through those Read more…

http://video.staged.com/preacher/to_believe This sweet little girl,  Jackie Evancho is an example of developing God given talents. May we all believe, have faith and share our talents with others.

As I was walking out to my car this afternoon, I saw an older gentleman walking his dog. Normally it wouldn’t have been anything out of the ordinary. Today, however, tears came to my eyes as I watched him pause in front of the American Flag, bring his arm up Read more…

The Savior

The gift I am most thankful for this Christmas is the love that the Savior has for me. It is unconditional. He is truly interested in all that is going on in my life. Whether I am having a good day or a not so good day, He is there Read more…


I am truly grateful for all those who have walked across my path and have touched my life with hope, love and light. Whether it be directly or indirectly, that moment will be remembered forever. Laney’s TestimonyNovember 26, 2011 When a tragic accident took the life of 20 year old Read more…