
      Children are the most amazing creations. I do have one complaint, however…they grow up way too fast and then before you know it they are out in the world starting their own adventure. And the only thing that you can do is hope that you have taught Read more…


I am very grateful for my mother! The things she has taught me will be with me always. I am more than blessed to be a mother. I have such wonderful children and I love them so much! Each one of them has a different personality, different likes and dislikes, Read more…

The Savior

The gift I am most thankful for this Christmas is the love that the Savior has for me. It is unconditional. He is truly interested in all that is going on in my life. Whether I am having a good day or a not so good day, He is there Read more…


I am truly grateful for all those who have walked across my path and have touched my life with hope, love and light. Whether it be directly or indirectly, that moment will be remembered forever. Laney’s TestimonyNovember 26, 2011 When a tragic accident took the life of 20 year old Read more…


Kelly and I recently celebrated our 27th Anniversary. When we got married that cool, windy November day back in 1984, it was for eternity. We were so much in love. Nothing could have been better that day! Everyday since then has been an adventure. We’ve had good times and our Read more…